Riccar Vacuum Bags

Riccar is driven by one passion – to make world-class vacuums. Riccar cares about air flow and suction and is relentless when it comes to performance. It’s no wonder that a company completely obsessed with cleaning performance reinvented the way a vacuum cleans.
PureFilters is a proud supplier of Riccar products. We carry a wide range of Riccar vacuum products, and high quality compatible alternatives (OEM brands) manufactured in North America. Our compatible products are just as reliable, and will save you money.
Search 'Riccar Vacuum Bags' on our website to see a list of all Riccar vacuum products and compatible alternatives offered by PureFilters.
Riccar OEM Paper Bag Pack of 6 Type A for Vibrance Upright Vacuum Models R20E R20ENT, R Series, 2000 Series, 4000 Series, & 8000 Series *Also Fits Simplicity Symmetry Models S20E S20ENT, 6 Series, & Fuller Model FBTM*
Riccar OEM Paper Bag Pack of 6 Type B for 8000 & 8900 Series Upright Vacuums *Also Fits Simplicity 7 Series Models*
Riccar OEM HEPA Bag Pack of 6 Type A for Vibrance Upright Models R20E R20ENT R20SC VIBPBP VIBCBP VIBP VIBDL VIBST VIBCL VIBE VIBENT VIBCNT, R Series, 4000 Series, & 8000 Series
Riccar OEM Cloth Bag RSL4 Black
Riccar OEM HEPA Bag Pack of 6 Type B for 8000, 8900, & 8925 Series Upright Models *Also Fits Simplicity 7 Series*
Riccar OEM HEPA Bag Pack of 3 for Central Vacuum Models B20, BF40, BF60, H10, & H20
Riccar OEM HEPA Bag Pack of 6 for Prima Straight-Air & Power-Team Canister Vacuums *Also Fits Simplicity Wonder Models*
Riccar OEM HEPA Bag Pack of 6 Type F for Supralite Upright Vacuum Models RSL1, RSL1AC, RSL2, RSL3, RSL4, RSL5, RSL5C, & R10E *also fits Simplicity Freedom Models S10E F3300 F3500 F3600 F3700 & CleanMax ZM200 ZM500 Zoom Series*
Riccar OEM HEPA Bag Pack of 6 Type H for Canister Vacuum Models 1500P 1500M 1500S 1700 1800 Immaculate Impeccable Pristine Charisma Starbright *Also Fits Simplicity Models S18 S20 S24 S36 S38 S36 Gusto Moxie Verve Cinch Jessie*
Riccar OEM Charcoal Infused HEPA Bag Pack of 6 with Green Collar for Supralite Upright Models R10CV, R10P, R10D, R10S, R10SAND, & R17 *Also Fits Simplicity Freedom models S10CV S10P S10D S10S S10SAND & Maytag Model M500*
Riccar OEM HEPA Bag Pack of 6 with Red Collar for Vibrance Upright Models R20UP, R20P, R20D, & R20S *Also Fits Simplicity Symmetry models S20UP S20P S20D S20S & Maytag model M700*
Riccar OEM Charcoal Infused HEPA Bag Pack of 6 with Blue Collar for Brilliance Upright Vacuum Models R30 R30P R30PET R30P.DS *Also Fits Simplicity Synchrony models S30 S30P S30PET S30P.DS Maytag M1200.CN*
Riccar OEM HEPA Bag Pack of 6 Type O with 1 Charcoal Filter for Butler Compact Vacuums *Also Fits Simplicity Whoosh Models*
Riccar OEM HEPA Bag Pack of 6 Type P with Yellow Collar for Radiance Upright Vacuum Models R40P & R40 *Also Fits Simplicity Synergy models S40P S40*
Riccar OEM Paper Bag Pack of 6 Type F for Supralite Upright Vacuum Models RSL1, RSL1AC, RSL2, RSL3, & RSL1AC
Riccar OEM Paper Bag Pack of 6 Type S for SupraQuik Canister Vacuum Model RSQ1 *also fits Simplicity Sport model S100 & Carpet Pro model CP500*
Riccar OEM HEPA Bag Pack of 6 Type W for Brilliance & Retriever Upright Models BRLP, BRLD, & BRLS *Also Fits Simplicity Synchrony & Fetch models SCRP SCRD SCRS*
Riccar OEM HEPA Bag Pack of 6 Type X for Radiance Upright Models RADP & RAD *Also Fits Simplicity Synergy models G9 X9*
Riccar OEM HEPA Bag Pack of 6 Type Z for Canister Vacuum Models Pizzazz, Moonlight, & Sunburst *Also Fits Simplicity Models Snap Jack Jill*
Riccar 8000 & 8900 Series Models*
Riccar Supralite Models R10CV R10P R10D R10S S10SAND & Maytag model M500*
Riccar Butler Models*
Riccar Radiance models R40P R40*
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